• Paço de Arcos, Portugal
  • mail@bluegrid.pt

Our Services

What We Bring To You

We provide a wide range of marine and aquatic environmental consultancy and services, from field surveys, baseline studies, environmental assessments, monitoring plans and activities and project follow-up.


Environmental consultancy

We have access to multidisciplinar network of specialists to provide consultancy on a wide range of topics.

Ecological surveys and monitoring

We provide a range of offshore and coastal survey services for diversified ecosystem components.

Data analysis and management

Our capabilities include mapping, charting and spatial data analysis through GIS and other tools.

Licensing and project follow-up

We help clients obtaining marine licences and other consents for their marine activities.

About us

Marine and aquatic environmental consultancy and R&D

Blue Grid is a consultancy and R&D company offering a range of marine and aquatic ecology services to clients working in coastal, estuarine and offshore environments as well as in other aquatic environment. We work closely with our clients and other project stakeholders to implement sound environmental assessment, monitoring and management, which in turn ensures a smooth planning and consenting process.

Our mission is to work every day to achieve the most sustainable solutions for each project, working step by step with the client to find the best solution for the project and for the environment.

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Blue Grid

Latest News & Resources

Blue Grid attends WebSummit 2022

Blue Grid attended the Web Summit 2022 technology fair in Lisbon from the 1st to 4th November. The event brought together more than 70.000 people and companies…

BlueGrid at the UN Oceans Conference

“The science is clear – the ocean is facing unprecedented threats as a result of human activities. Its health and ability to sustain life will only get worse as the world…

A framework to evaluate the environmental impact of OCEAN energy devices

Abstract: Ocean energy technologies are still at an early stage of development; only a handful of concepts are…

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